G8NXD/M3MSM Site Info
My Station is licenced under two callsigns
G8NXD (issued in 1977) was a Class B VHF only Licence. It is now a full all bands licence with a maximum power of 400W
M3MSM is a Foundation Licence with HF and VHF privilages but with a maximum power into the aerial of 10W
The station is located in the village of Fourlanes, which is 650 feet ASL and has Sea Views from West through NorthEast. Unfortunately West through South to NorthEast is obscured by the hill rising another 50' making VHF operation a little difficult, as do the five Television and six FM broadcast Transmitters, not to mention the Emergency services, CellPhone bases, Pagers etc. in the immediate vicinity. I guess its a popular area for RF
Currently I am QRV on 144Mhz and 50Mhz with Homebrewed Transverters driven from a modified Yaesu FT-707, on HF there's another FT-707, an Elecraft K2 and an FT980. I also have Homebrewed QRP rigs for various bands and modes. My VHF aerials are for 2m a 10 ELE Yagi at 20' and on 6m a homebrewed Wide spaced 4 element Yagi at about 30'. On HF my aerial is a homemade 1/2size G5RV at 20'. I used to use a 65 foot end-fed longwire at about 30' fed with 75ohm coax and a 9:1 balun wound on a T50-2 Toroid and it worked well, but could'nt take the 100w I now run . My HF ATU is published on this site
If you have any queries E-mail me
my address is g8nxd[AT]qsl.net
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